Another Molly Theory a.k.a. Molly the Mystery Doll

Before i start this post I would like to say that now instead of Nanea the Mystery Doll it seems to be Molly the Mystery Doll. Haha. Now let's start.

In my first Molly theory post I thought that she wouldn't come back in 2018. If you want more details on what I think of Molly's return you can click on any of these 3 links:

Now I have a new idea! Back in some post before Nanea released (I don't remember the post) I said that Nanea's story was a new perspective of World War 2 she was right next to the attack and during the start of the war in America ; while Molly's perspective was towards the end of World War 2, and on the homefront. So maybe, American Girl wants was to learn more about World War 2. Then maybe in August 2018 they release a character from World War 1. Let's just hope. That's all I can think up on this theory. I have 1 more though.

Maybe I was right in my first Molly theory post. Maybe that release date really was wrong. Perhaps it was meant to be August 2018. I think American Girl might be doing GOTY only with characters of the past. Maybe Nanea will be around 1 year and then Molly will take her place for a year and so on. This doesn't quite as likely as the first theory, but it's still possible.

Now here's the 2 questions I would for you to try to answer until October 1. (I will release a post on this subject then) 1.Which doll will be "archived" next? 
2. Will Molly only be in flagship locations?

Thanks for reading!!!
~The American Girl Theory


  1. Samantha and Addy are being archived next year

    1. Actually, the already were "archived". Now, for Beforever characters (when "archived") you can still buy them in flagship locations. They have less outfits in flagships stores as well. It's called being cubed.


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