How Obsessed With American Girl Dolls are You?

So......... as you can tell today I have a quiz for you. It's basically like the American Girl magazine quizzes. Anyways, you may start the quiz now.

1. How many American Girl dolls you have?
A: 0 I'm getting 1 soon though
E: Over 20

2: How many American Girl catalogs do you have lying around?
A: 5 or less
C: 16-30
D: 35-100
E: Over 100

3:When did American Girl start?
A: I'm really not sure
B: 2001, right????
C: Somewhere in the 80s , I think
D and E: 1986

4: Your room has tons of _____ in it.
A: Mini stuff in it 
B: American Girl books
C: Doll Clothes
D: Everything American Girl doll related
E: American Girl dolls

5: What your favorite American Girl related site?
A: I don't have one.
B: American Girl
C: American Girl Youtube videos. That counts right?
D: American Girl Doll News or any site like that
E: Any site that shares American Girl Leaks

(Now here are some sites to visit before you find out what you are)

Mainly A's
You are just starting off at doll collecting.
Once you get more dolls and more knowledge of American Girl, you will be a true expert.

Mostly B's
Slowly but surely wins the race! You don't know to much, but you know a few things about AG. You love American Girl dolls, but as you get more you'll know more!

Mostly C's
We could say you are definitely smart about American Girl. You know the basic time that Pleasant Rowland started American Girl. It was in 1986! Sooner rather than later you'll be an American Girl expert!

Mostly D's
You are positively obsessed!!! You know lots about American Girl and you love learning more about your dolls. You are a true collector and sometimes wonder how you ended up with this many dolls. Don't you? (I would know I got mostly C's (even though I made this quiz)) 

Mostly E's
You know a lot about American Girl, and that's great! You always know when the next release is and always are getting new things. 

Thanks for taking this quiz!!! Now please keep reading I have something more to say. 

Now the majority of us should know about 9/11. It was an insane and sad day in 2001. But it did give me some inspiration for Memory Monday. I will choose a topic and in the comments of any of my posts you write down your memory. Now I would like everyone to share a memory of when they got their first American Girl doll. I got Caroline for my 7th birthday. Anyways, don't forget to share the word about small American Girl blog such as this one!!!

Thanks for reading!!!
~The American Girl Theory


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