Molly is Coming Back from the Archives???

On this subject, I have 2 different ideas. On Amazon it said that her books' release date would be in Februrary of 2018. But this wouldn't make sense, American Girl doesn't usually keep to characters from the same era. They would have to archive Nanea. Nanea being around for less than a year just doesn't make sense. But, like I said earlier, I have 2 different ideas. Now let's get into them.

   The wrong release date was typed in. Probably all of us have seen typos in our math books or reading books. Even in articles online. So why not on and Amazon release date? It may have meant to be 2019, but that still wouldn't make sense. After all, Nanea is seeming REALLY popular so far. So maybe the person who typed in the date was thinking about something they had going on on Feburary 19, 2018; so they typed that in. Now here is a more likely conclusion.

Maybe Molly is just getting Beforever books. After all she did just archive in 2014. Anyways, some other American Girl books are releasing on February 19, so this would all in all make more sense. (Also the fact that I didn't have to write as much for this theory gives me a clue.) 

Now here is an image before my little daily update/news. 
Well, I need some ideas for some new posts. Just tell me in the comments. Also, could everyone perhaps tell their fellow American Girl fans about this blog? I'm finally trying to get some more viewers and just some regular viewers? Thanks!!! I also will not being telling you which post I'll be posting next quite so often anymore. Anyways..........................

Thanks for reading!!!
~The American Girl Theory


  1. I would love to see AG bring Molly back. You are probably right about not having 2 dolls from the same era. Nanea is already very popular. I love that she is Polynesian. Do we know who the most popular AG dolls have been?

    1. I know that at one point Samantha was super popular, I also know that Maryellen and Nanea are super popular right now.

  2. Molly was the best doll! I am so sad they retired her. They brought back felicity and samantha, so I am hopeful that eventually she will return. What do you think?

    1. Yes I do! If you liked this post stay tuned for my post coming tomorrow! Thank you so much for reading.
      ~The American Girl Theory

  3. do u think that molly will come back soon?

    1. I asked an employee about a month ago if she would ever come back to stores and she said no, Molly will only be at Costco.


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