Outfit Ideas for Blaire

I do think Blaire will a 90s character, so all of these are "American Girl of Today" outfits with changed color. This could also possibly help if we see leaks with similar colors and styles. I will put the title of the original outfit so we don't start thinking archived outfits are leaks. 
This was originally the Red Vinyl Outfit and I can't explain how much I adore this. It doesn't seem like something American Girl would release, but I'd love it if they would

Okay, I know this is the regular top from the "First Day Outfit", but I can picture American Girl bringing it back with some jeans and making it her meet outfit.

Original name: Birthday Outfit
Honestly, I think this would make a really cute meet outfit.

Which was your favorite? (Mine was #1)

Thanks for reading!!!
~The American Girl Theory


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