Why Della Will Never Be an American Girl Character

     First off, my school gets out really early each year so I'll have a lot more time to post, but since leaks are very slow lately and American Girl isn't telling us about ANY new dolls, (I'll have a theory about the whole new dolls thing soon.), I still may not post a whole lot. Now, time for the actual post.

    1.* For years now, people have been saying that Della will be the next Girl of the Year. I remember 3 years ago searching up "GOTY 2016" and Della popping up. Therefore, the first reason I say no to Della is because it just been so long and we still have no Della doll. It just doesn't make logical sense for it to have been 3 years and there is still no Della.

     2.*  Second, she doesn't have a last name. It's Della, just Della, nothing else. For heaven's sakes, WHY DOESN'T SHE STILL HAVE A LAST NAME AFTER 3 YEARS? I don't know why this bugs me so much, but it does. Moving on, I hope you agree with me, either way, please read the next paragraph.

      3.*  Della's trademark is "dead." Okay, so I'm not exactly sure what this means, but I'm going to do my best guess. So Della's category is: 
(Yes I did take this from Trademarkia.) Anyways, I think that since her trademark is dead, another brand or company could buy the name Della under the same category. In other words, American Girl isn't using the name Della for that specific category anymore. Also, if I'm correct, the name Della used by American Girl isn't under any other category. 
 If you are still a bit confused, notice that on this it says "apply now", while in live trademarks it doesn't say "apply now."

* for my next post

Thanks for reading!!!
~The American Girl Theory


  1. I have a theory. Could it be that the Della trademark is dead because they're going to release her pretty soon? I hope so!!!!


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