Proof That Younger Girls Don't Buy American Girl Anymore

So, I go to a K-12 school with only 150-215 kids. Only grades K-4 use the library. K-4 is ages 5-10; what I classify as American Girl younger audience is ages 7-10. I asked our school librarian how often the American Girl books are checked out. She basically said that they're not checked out often, but they are checked out. Which means that American Girl probably needs to start marketing to older audiences. Just thought that I would point this out to everyone.

Thanks for reading!!!


  1. I personally think that the younger kids don’t really care about the books and just want the dolls. But everyone has their own opinion and I respect yours!

    1. Honestly, I agree. When I was in first grade I got Caroline just because her dress had my favorite colors. I feel if younger girls were to start reading the books, they'd be more into American Girl.

    2. Yeah. If they read the books, AG would be more interesting. They could link the outfits and accessories to the story and plug in their doll's personality, and understand more history too!


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