Special Molds #7: #4

I haven't done one of these in a while and since I recently got #4, so I thought it was fitting. If you don't know what Special Molds is, it's basically where I analyze one of American Girl's molds. First off, #4 is the only doll with this mold. If you compare #4 in catalogs from 2003-2005 vs catalogs from 2007-2009, you may, like me, think that they are different dolls; yet when I asked an American Girl employee if they were different, she told me they were the same. I feel like I should do a series of what American Girl employees teach me about the brands. Anyways, I also think that #4's mouth looks similar to Addy's, because when #4 was released the only 2 other molds were the classic molds and the Addy mold. In my opinion, #4 doesn't look very similar to the Jess mold. I find this interesting because I feel that American Girl would try to make the 2 molds look similar. I think that I may bring Special Molds back, this was fun to make. 

Thank you so much for reading!!!


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