Another Theory About Blaire's Story

    So, I know that I've said that I think that one of her family members or friends will get cancer, but I want to expand on that. The author of her books, Jennifer Castle, has written books with characters dealing with mental illnesses and mental struggles. If American Girl has a character with anxiety, depression or another mental illness; I will be soooo happy. Because here's the thing, it isn't just girls needing a doll who looks like them, it's girls needing a doll with a character they can relate too with struggles. It isn't just adults with mental illnesses, if we could have a character with a mental illness we could make mental illness more talked about, American Girl would be helping a lot of people. Maybe, instead of someone in her family getting cancer, she has struggles with anxiety or depression, and farming or gardening is her way of calming herself. She would have parties to help people going through the same thing as her. Again, if this happens, I will be so excited. Also, I have an announcement on November 1st, so stay tuned. I will be posting on Wednesday with another Blaire post.

Thank you so much for reading!!!


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