So, I'm not writing this on my birthday, but GUESS WHEN IT'S BEING POSTED???????????? THAT'S RIGHT!!!! ON mY bIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO YEAH HERE ARE QUESTIONS YOU ASKED AND MYYYYY ANSWERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aLSO i'M GETTING MELODY'S rECORDING STUDIO TODAY (WELL THE 16TH NOT WHEN i'M WRITING THIS) AND i'M PUMPED!!!!!!!!!!!

Pink highlight: Your questions.
Lavender highlight: My answers.

What hobby or talent would your dream Girl of the Year have?
Probably an American Girl fan or a character who works backstage on theater, since that isn't really talked about too much. (backstage theater.)

Out of all the Girl of the Year characters there have been, which is your favorite?
Definitely Luciana. She's also the only Girl of the Year character where I've read one of their books.

Do you think you will continue blogging about American Girl for the next few years?
Yes, definitely. I have a feeling that American Girl's quality will get better in 2019 or 2020, which will give me more to post about because American Girl will hopefully get more popular again.

What is your hope for American Girl?
Right now, it's for more diversity (which isn't just more races), and them to recognize that we don't like their quality. Also, for them to make the quality better.

I've noticed you've mentioned Sydney from American Girl Doll News. Have you ever met her?
No, but I would love to one day!

What era in history would you like for American Girl do for Beforever?
I would love for them to do the 1920s!

Do you think Barbara will ever become a doll? She doesn't have a trademarked last name as far as I know.
No, this is because her trademark is dead. Which, if I'm correct, means American Girl isn't going to use it.

Is it just me or would you also like to see American Girl release all of the retired Historical characters?
It's not just you! I really hope that one day American Girl will bring them all back.

Who is your favorite Beforever character and why is she your favorite?
Felicity, I've read a couple of her Historical books, but now that she's a Beforever character, I think she counts. She's my favorite because she is just an inspiring character. She does what she believes is right and isn't afraid to stand up to people who are doing wrong. She also knows that she doesn't have to what the rest of girls in society at her time did.

Do you'll think you'll get Blaire when she releases?
It depends. First off, on her quality, which is a huuuuuuge thing to me. I also need to figure out how I would fit her in my room.

Thank you so much for reading!!! Also thank you for reading on my birthday!!!




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