Rain, Rain, Go Away (Blaire Short Story #2)

     I've decided to just do these in order, so this is a continuation of the my last post. 

        Lately, I had been told to not go outside when it was raining, for no particular reason. My family wouldn't listen to what I would say, because they didn't want to. They believed that it would make everything worse. So, I sat there, in the barn for another half hour. They hadn't wanted me by my sister lately and I didn't know why. My sister didn't have any mental health issues and me being kept away from her was just making my anxiety worse. So, couldn't they just let me in a little? My parents keep me so close, yet they keep me so far away. They won't let me go into the forest behind our house to explore and study all of the plant in the thickets. Yet, they keep me away from them and my sister so much. Can't they just make up their minds?

Thank you so much for reading!!!


  1. Why are her parents doing what they did in Frozen with Elsa? That didn't end well! Haven't her parents seen Frozen? Oh my gosh!!! Frozen is my favorite movie :)

  2. I need to knowww what happens next!!!


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