When and Where does Nanea's Story Take Place?

Hey guys! Before I start this post I just want to say sorry about the last post's font color. If you have trouble ever reading the posts just highlight them.

     A question I'm guessing a lot of people have had is: When does Nanea's story take place and where? First of all, I think she is from World War 2 because of her clothes and image 1 down below. We already know she lives in Hawaii because of image 2. She most likely lives in 1941 in Hawaii because the attack on Pearl Harbor was in Hawaii on December 7, 1941. The reason I'm guessing her time period is because of images 3 and 4. The story could either start in about June of 1941 to cause some tension that something bed is going to happen or in November or December to get right down to the attack. Have any questions you want me to answer? Comment them.

Image 4 Nanea's Profile.
 Next Blog: Nanea the Mystery doll. Coming Monday, February 20, 2017. 
Image 3 Felicity's Profile and Year
Image 1
Image 2


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