How I Customized Elanor

Elanor is my custom Our Generation. Our Generation dolls have terrible hair quality which motivated me to customize her. I first gave her some freckles (not nearly as many as she has now) before I gave her a new wig. Eventually, I got fed up with her hair so I ordered her a new wig from Beautifully Custom. Then a couple months later, I added more freckles and painted over her current lip color. I used acrylic paint for both her lips and freckles. I used washable marker to draw where I wanted to put the freckles. I also cut off her hair because Our Generation doll hair is rooted into the head. So here 2 picture showing you a bit more of what I mean. Elanor was originally an Ella Grace doll.

If you're thinking of customizing an Our Generation doll, I will warn you. Cutting off the hair takes a long time and is difficult.

6 days until the AG Benefit Sale!

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