How I Got Into American Girl

I'm not sure how I found out about American Girl, but I first went to American Girl in 2012 I think. A memory I have from going to American Girl before I had one of their dolls is wanting one of McKenna's outfits for my Build-A-Bear, why, I don't know. For my 7th birthday I got Caroline, and then it took off from there. I kept getting dolls for my birthday for the next 4 years. These dolls were Gwen (38),  Felicity, Jenna (55), and Sabrina (24 custom). When I was 8 my friend gave me a #3 who I named Clara. I bought Rebecca, Grace, Lea, Luciana, Melody, Maryellen, Nanea, and Kit with my own money. (That was in the wrong order.)  When I was 11 I created this blog because I had literally 1 theory. American Girl got me obsessed with history. I want to find a way to make younger girls read the stories so they can really know the character and treat the doll with more respect. I love customizing, but when someone leaves historical doll with the same name and everything but dresses them in modern clothing, it bugs me. (Edit: I myself sometimes do this, I mean the 4 year old girls who treat their dolls like trash and I'm okay with it if you respect your dolls, okay that's all.) That is basically how I became obsessed with American Girl. I plan on getting #4 this summer or for my birthday.

5 days until the AG Benefit Sale!

Thank you so much for reading!!!


  1. Now I feel guilty that I dress my 3 histroicals modernly... I discovered AG because a catalog was sent to my house.

    1. Cool! I guess what I meant was that it bugs me when people don't treat their dolls well and for some reason I bundle those 2 things together.


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