My Opinion on the Beforever Name Change

Finally. Before you read this post I recommend you read the one from American Girl Doll News first.  
        I want to talk about this myself since 2014 is one of the years where I got the most American Girl dolls. Here's a quick timeline of what year I got each of my dolls. (Minus non-AG)

2012: -Caroline
2013: -#38 (don't have anymore)
2014: -Clara
2015: -Grace
-#55 (don't have anymore)
2016: -Lea
-Sabrina (custom, originally#24)
2017: -Nanea
2018: -Luciana
2019: -Blaire

      When Beforever was announced, the only thing I was excited about was that Samantha was coming back (I wanted her). Other than that, I hated every single aspect of Beforever, and it hadn't even been launched yet. Although I grew used to it, it still didn't seem right. (Well, for the characters who hadn't always been Beforever. Kit, Rebecca, Addy, etc.) If you knew nothing about American Girl and someone said,
      "Have you heard of American Girl's Beforever line?" They'd probably just be like, "Huh? What's that? Are they time capsule dolls or something?" What I'm trying to say is that probably simply the name change brought down American Girl's business. Also, if you had grown up with American Girl (1986-2013) you'd probably get pretty turned away from the new concept. So basically, I'm very pleased that Beforever is going back to American Girl.

Thank you so much for reading!!!


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