How to Know What Doll Stuff to Sell

          So, if you're saving up for the AG Benefit Sale, a new doll, or whatever; here are some tips on selling your doll stuff. Firstly, let's break down selling dolls. Here are some things I thought through when deciding which dolls to sell:

  1. Do I use them?
  2. Do they take up too much space?
  3. Do they fit in with what I want my collection to be?
Here's how I answered these for Grace:

  1. Not really
  2. Yes
  3. No, she's too modern for my collection.
If you answered no, yes, and not, I would consider selling the doll. If you answered yes, no, and, yes, I would say you should keep them. If you answered something other than those, give yourself some more time to think about it. Now here's what I go through for clothing:

  1. Does the item belong to one of the dolls I'm selling?
  2. Do I ever put it on any of my dolls?
  3. Does it fit in with my collection?
If you answered yes, no, and no, I would recommend putting it in your 'sell' box or pile. If you answered the opposite, I would recommend putting it in your 'keep' pile. If you answered something different, put it in your 'maybe' pile and go through the following procedure:

  1. Write down all the names of your dolls or put all of your dolls up in a line.
  2. Take the item and think if it goes with what you normally have your doll wear. Do this for all of your dolls. If it doesn't go with any of your dolls, you can probably sell it. 
    That's what I do, and it helps a lot. I didn't do furniture because I'm really bad at figuring that one out. Now, you may be wondering: "But where can I sell my doll stuff?" Here are some that I've used and that I've heard are good:

  • Facebook
  • Ebay
  • Mercari
I would not recommend selling dolls at a garage sale. I've done it in the past, and they could've sold for more if I didn't do it there. ONLY 18 DAYS UNTIL THE BENEFIT SALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much for reading!!!


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