About Me!

     I've been a fan of American Girl since about 2012, and before I even had any dolls I would try my very, very hardest to convince my grandma to buy me McKenna's outfits to put on my Build-A-Bears. Safe to say, that didn't work. So, on my birthday in 2012, I finally got my first doll, Caroline! There was no real in-depth reason for why I got her; her dress was just my favorite colors. Little did I know what a rabbit hole that would get me down. As the years went on, I learned more and more about American Girl, collected more dolls, and became increasingly entrenched within the American Girl community and the strange lingo it had. For some examples, I give you: cubed, meet outfit, and perma-panties. In 2017, American Girl began hinting at the release of Nanea Mitchell. Now, this is what really got me going. I already had a slight fascination with the 1940s and 1950s and this information pushed me headfirst down a several months long endeavor into the information we had on Nanea. But, I wanted to tell people this information. So, I started this blog on February 18th, 2017. Now, it wasn't technically started because of Nanea. It was started because of American Girl's announcement of 6 brand new dolls. I didn't understand how they would have the room, so I decided to theorize how they did it. I had an idea and now I wanted to share it with the community I had grown to admire so very much. In short, I looked up Blogger and designed a blog, and then quickly got to posting. Yet, it wasn't quite that simple.
    2017, a strange time for any American Girl fan. The year when they decided to create their own AGTube and the apocalypse of bad quality. My blog was not the prettiest thing; a design that looked like it belonged to a hyper-girly blog from the early 2000s. I complained about boy dolls, hated the new Felicity, and became entrenched with Nanea. After Nanea's release, my posts began to focus more on Luciana and the rerelease of Molly.
     2018 was, in my mind, the golden era of this blog. I found my niche, I got my dream doll at the AG Benefit Sale, it was a good year. 
     2019 was downhill. It was bound to be downhill after 2018. 2017 and 2018 were two huge years for American Girl, 2019 wasn't the same way. I had my own stressors and American Girl's dullness was not one of them. I had hit an all-time high of page views in 2018 and I didn't think I could ever top it. 2019 was the year of complaining and sparse posting.
     2020. I don't think I need to say too much on that. We remember that year. Anyway...
     2021, a slow redemption. The year started going quickly downhill for me, headfirst and having a very loud and destructive crash. It was a wake-up call, no doubt about it. The only problem took me a whole year to pick myself back up.
     2022, who knows what will happen at this point. I'm writing this on January 1st of 2022. I'm getting Lindsey Bergman and I have decided to start posting again on this blog. We will see what change it will bring to me, and if I can have the same confidence within the community that I did before. 
Thanks for visiting!!!

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