
Showing posts from February, 2019

Holly and the Ukulele Ch. 1

Look, I don't know how this will go, but I want to try it out. I will post ch. 2 next week. Also, I don't have any other chapters filled out. I wrote this like a year and a half ago. (In Feb., not Dec. (when I'm writing this.) So, I decided, after ch.2. I will make a Google Form where you guys can make the next chapter. Here's chapter 1. (Also I don't really like this story.) Holly and the Ukulele Chapter 1: The Box         I quickly opened the box. It was from Nanea, my pen-pal. Every Christmas we exchanged gifts. We had started doing it 5 years earlier; in 1937, when we were 6. Inside of the box was a letter, which read:           Dear Holly, I hope you enjoy this gift! Are you excited for January 1st? I sure am. Your Friend, Nanea Mitchell          Every January 1st we would meet each other. We normally met in her hometown of Honolulu. But that year, it was different. We had to meet in my town of (Insert some random state and city here, if I po

New AG Trademark

Yes, I know I'm late. Do I care? No. The new trademark is Joss Kendrick. I'll be honest, I have no theories about this name. Yet, it is most often used as a boy's name. Sorry, for the short and lame post. Thank you so much for reading!!! ~Ella

2 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This! Blog! Is! Two! Years! Old! In my first year I only posted 81 times. Meanwhile, in my second year I posted 112 times. SOoooooo, thank you all for reading this blog, otherwise I probably would've taken it down by now. I want people to be able to enjoy it, and if it can't have that purpose, I would've taken it down. So thank you all so much for keeping reading! Thank you so much for reading!!! ~Ella

What We Can Do to Change American Girl for the Better #2

The response I got for: "How can American Girl change?" is one that I honestly don't have a huge opinion on, but I still wanted to post on. Here's the response: American Girl needs to bring back all of the Historical Characters. Firstly, I agree. Now would be a perfect moment, since Beforever is going back to the historical line. As we all probably know by now, American Girl hasn't been doing so well. If they were to bring these all back in a month or two, that would be great. Like let's say they re-released a doll (or two for Marie-Grace and Cecile) that would be really good. They could re-open some stores. American Girl could start doing better. That's really all I have to say about that. Now if you have any ideas on how we can help American Girl, feel free to fill out this form! Thank you so much for reading!!! ~Ella

My Opinion on the Beforever Name Change

Finally. Before you read this post I recommend you read the one from American Girl Doll News first.            I want to talk about this myself since 2014 is one of the years where I got the most American Girl dolls. Here's a quick timeline of what year I got each of my dolls. (Minus non-AG) 2012: -Caroline 2013: -#38 (don't have anymore) 2014: -Clara -Felicity -Rebecca 2015: -Grace -Maryellen -#55 (don't have anymore) 2016: -Lea -Kit -Melody -Sabrina (custom, originally#24) 2017: -Nanea 2018: -Luciana -Fern 2019: -Blaire       When Beforever was announced, the only thing I was excited about was that Samantha was coming back (I wanted her). Other than that, I hated every single aspect of Beforever, and it hadn't even been launched yet. Although I grew used to it, it still didn't seem right. (Well, for the charact

What We Can Do to Change American Girl for the Better #1

    So, 2 posts back I put up a Google Form in which you could answer the question: How can American Girl Change? I'll put the form at the end of this post if you want to answer, please note that I will comment on them on here. Anyways, I got a response that I have decided to comment on today. I will put numbers in some spots to section it out a bit. Soooooo here the answer is! 1) Bring back the historical lines. Rid of the bright colors and go back to the original colors. 2) No one in Kit’s day wore the bright cheesy colors now being sold. Our older Kit doll has outfits that look and feel authentic. 3) She had a friend we could buy too. 4) The historical doll line with the quality authentic-seeming clothes are unique to AG. Now, there are so few clothes and accessories for the historicals and what is there is often poorly made and cheesy. 1: I have thought this ever since Beforever was announced. The colors didn't fit the characters' time periods. 2: Going along wi

AG Outfits I Plan on Eventually Getting

Going to be honest, this is also a thing for me to go back to so I can remember names of outfits. Allllssssoooo, yesterday I brought Luci and Blaire to my closest AG store to get their eyes replaced. Anyways, here are 5 outfits I eventually want to buy. 1. Birthday Outfit  2: Go Anywhere Outfit 3: Blue Jean Basics 4: Earth Day Outfit 5: Picnic Outfit (it was really hard to find a decent picture) Play Outfit: Thank you so much for reading!!! ~Ella

Future of This Blog and American Girl

        Look, I never wanted to make this post. I wasn't planning on making a post addressing this until yesterday. Anyways, flashback to yesterday, my friend informed me that the AG store closest to where I live is closing. Now, before I talk about the future of this blog, I want to talk about American Girl. I know that people, including myself, are upset about the closing of the Boston and MOA AG stores. But here is why I think this could be a good thing for American Girl. Firstly, in my opinion every American Girl store except for the AG Places should close. I just feel like this would be best for American Girl since it could help them save some money. Another thing is that I feel like American Girl just kind of needs to restart. I've said it before and I'll say it again, American Girl just isn't marketing to the right audience. Even if younger kids are going to American Girl more, it would help if AG would market better. For example, people 12 and up would spend mor