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Exciting News!!! MAJOR SALE COMING!!!

Hello readers!!! In light of the AG Benefit sale having shut down, I am going to be hosting a major sale of a bunch of my doll stuff in mid-July. My closet is overfilled with doll stuff, which is less than convenient for the new hobbies I've picked up (miniature building, drawing, and filmmaking). I will keep this blog updated with items that will be sold, dates, and place in the upcoming weeks. Please do not hesitate to comment if you have any questions! Hope to see you there! Ellie

Officially Selling Doll Items!

 Hello all! I would just like to announce that I am officially selling doll items on Depop! There is currently only two items up on there, but I will be updating regularly! There are not any dolls yet, as I want to get hair nets for shipping purposes first! If you are ever curious as to what the current listings are, check out my Current Listings page to stay up to date! Here are some helpful links if you are interested in buying anything! Current listings: My Depop: Discord server for updates on selling and for announcements: Thank you so much for reading! ~Ella

What if Lindsey Had Been Given a Full Collection?

      In celebration of me getting Lindsey in just a few days, here are some of my ideas for what Lindsey's collection would have looked like had she actually gotten one! Firstly, I wanted to establish a color scheme for her!  Now, here are some outfit/collection ideas! School jumper (1996), edited to fit Lindsey's color scheme Earth Day Outfit (1996), edited to fit Lindsey's color scheme. Within her book, she is seen to have overalls.  Hiking Outfit (1998), edited to fit Lindsey's color scheme. I'm honestly not sure what I think of this. Field Trip Outfit (2001), edited to fit Lindsey's color scheme Fancy Flowers Outfit (2002), edited to fit Lindsey's color scheme Now, onto accessories! School Supplies (2002), edited to fit Lindsey's color scheme Campfire Accessories (2009), edited to fit Lindsey's color scheme Due to her small storyline and pretty much lack of anything to go off of, I have no ideas for her big item. When it comes to her storyline,

Possible Girl of the Year 2023: Kavika Sharma

     American Girl has made some new trademarks! And no, this is not about Blix and Trilby! American Girl has trademarked "Kavika" and "Kavika Sharma" for dolls, doll accessories, and doll clothing. Kavika is a South Asian name, so it is safe to assume that the doll will also be South Asian. American Girl's most recent trademark is Kavika Sharma, made on December 20th, 2021. Attached below is a photo from the Trademarkia site proving that.      Another possible Girl of the Year is Claudie Wells/Claudie Jones. However, I suspect that Kavika will be the GOTY 2023 as American Girl seems to be testing more complex diversity with the modern characters/dolls first, as opposed to testing it out with the historical characters. I mentioned this a bit in my last post. There is little that we know yet, but I would guess that Kavika Sharma will be our Girl of the Year 2023 and that Claudie will either be a 4th World By Us doll, a historical character, or a contemporary char

A Positive Outlook on American Girl

      I have begun to look through the American Girl community for the first time in around 2 years, and boy oh boy have things changed! And quite honestly, I am adoring the changes! I thought I would mention some things that I have noticed, some opinions I'm having about the American Girl of the 2020s, and some updates for this blog!      Starting off, here is a consecutive list of changes I've noticed, both within the brand of American Girl and the American Girl fanbase. Within this list are my thoughts, most of which are very good! Courtney!  I was actually aware of Courtney pretty close to her release, I just didn't feel that much of an urge to post about it. I think she's super cute, but she just isn't my style! I love her arcade and Caboodle! I also loved the touch of giving her her very own American Girl doll! My only critique is that apparently her eyes have a slightly downward gaze, but it doesn't seem to be that noticeable. World By Us I am in love ! I

American Girl's Return to the Historical Era + Updates

     So, it's been... quite a while. Yes, I did not post in July. But, that's besides the point. I don't really know what to post on this anymore, which is why I haven't been posting. Yet, today, I do have something to post about. This part will be shorter though. So, with the end of Beforever, the historicals' clothing has been looking a lot more like it used to. Less neon and bold, more realistic. So, I'm very happy about that. Yet, I would really like them to stop cubing. Just archive dolls. Get rid of the Wellies or Bitty Baby. So, that's all I really have to say on that. Now, onto updates. -What's going to happen to this blog? It will still be up, I'll just be posting a lot less because there are no American Girl leaks anymore and I don't have a store near me. -I will be posting on my other blog ( ) every day in October. So, if you want to go check me out there, feel free! I'll be posting

How to Know What Doll Stuff to Sell

          So, if you're saving up for the AG Benefit Sale, a new doll, or whatever; here are some tips on selling your doll stuff. Firstly, let's break down selling dolls. Here are some things I thought through when deciding which dolls to sell: Do I use them? Do they take up too much space? Do they fit in with what I want my collection to be? Here's how I answered these for Grace: Not really Yes No, she's too modern for my collection. If you answered no, yes, and not, I would consider selling the doll. If you answered yes, no, and, yes, I would say you should keep them. If you answered something other than those, give yourself some more time to think about it. Now here's what I go through for clothing: Does the item belong to one of the dolls I'm selling? Do I ever put it on any of my dolls? Does it fit in with my collection? If you answered yes, no, and no, I would recommend putting it in your 'sell' box or pile. If you

American Girl is Lazy (CYO)

    Before we get into the actual post, I decided I'd update a bit since I haven't posted since April 28th. I still exist, I still love dolls. But quite frankly, American Girl just confuses me. (I guess that's the update.) I mean, as I'm writing this I realized that the whole Create-Your-Own thing is kind of just a lazy way of American Girl not having to be creative. I mean, come on, you could create SO many new dolls with it. I mean, yeah, you can make more D.O.C.s, but how much will it cost you. $200. TWO-HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!!! Why? Now, I have decided to see how much a normal Truly Me would cost (if that's even what they're called anymore, I don't know, it's been changed too much. Here's all that for you, I had to do some other stuff too, so here's that whole thing (Sorry for mixing tenses): AG Doll: $115     I mean, you don't have to get any extras if you don't want to. And we also all know that American Girl prices stuff way highe

Another Lil' Update

   I honestly don't know if I'm going to keep adding to Holly and the Ukulele . I also probably won't post on here until there is actually something to post about. I made this for theories and that isn't what Holly and the Ukulele  is. I will be active on my other blog though, and here is the link to that: Thank you so much for reading!!! ~Ella

Holly and the Ukulele Ch. 2

Before I start the story, I would just like you to read the first chapter if you're new to this. Also, if you didn't already know, I'm also going to write the 3rd chapter and then you guys can help guide the story. Here's the link to the first chapter:   ................................................................................................................   Holly and the Ukulele Chapter 2 A Little Hope Goes a Long Way                I heard the phone ring and I dashed on over to pick it up. When I answered I discovered that it was Nanea, she told me to expect to see her on April 7th, 1942. That was pretty much all she said, not much of an explanation or anything. Well, she did give tips on how to prepare and the time she would arrive in our city airport. Then, continuing to be just as bored as I had been before she had called, decided to take a walk outside. Just as I was

Update on Emory

I'm posting earlier today (pretend I wrote this today and not on Monday) because this is kind of unimportant. Anyways, I was checking the American Girl Trademarkia page Monday and realized that the Emory and Emory Van Zant trademarks are dead. This makes me think that we won't be getting Emory. Okay, that's all. American Girl is confusing and now I'm thinking that Joss will be the next new doll because it's the newest trademark and it also a last name. Thanks for reading!!! ~Ella

End of an Era

       You've read the title, you probably have some sort of grasp of what this is about. Firstly, I'm going to sell some of my dolls this year. (Elanor, Grace, and possibly Lea.) When I started this blog I looked more forward to American Girl's future and saw them in a very different light. I pretty much thought they were the best doll brand in the whole wide world. Now, I feel like they don't listen to their customers and they aren't as good as they used to be. Instead of American Girl's new things I want their old things, and I feel that this may ultimately affect the outcome of this blog. Yes, of course I'll still theorize; it'll just be harder because I don't have a store anymore in my area. It was nice having a store because I could easily ask questions. Sure, I could call in, but it's just not the same. I know it probably doesn't seem like really anything is changing on your side, but I can tell it's changing on my side. When I fir

A Quick Lil' Update

I NEED to stop taking breaks for so long to the point where I need to do updates. Some of the ideas I had for posts I've discarded and in my post tomorrow or Wednesday I'll dive more deeply into that. So. I need to start writing again. I'll post the second chapter of Holly and the Ukulele on Friday. I'm also thinking I will write the 3rd chapter as well and then let you guys choose where the story goes. Here's a quick summary of tomorrow's post: Pretty much just me explaining what I'm changing with this blog and my collection because a lot of my stuff doesn't fit in with what I like anymore. Hence the name, End of an Era. DOn't worry I'm not leaving!!! I love this blog, it's just hard to find stuff to post about. Anyways, see you tomorrow or Wednesday!!! Thanks for reading!!! ~Ella

What Time Period Will Be American Girl's Next Historical?

Sorry I was gone for so long. I changed Blaire's name to Ophelia. Also, I'm seeing Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase  today! Anyways, here's the post!!!    I was on the American Girl Doll News site when I saw she had put a link to a video where American Girl's historian announced that they are working on a new doll. Yet, the question is, when will she be from. We don't know her (or his) name or time period. So what do we know? Well, that's what I'm kind of wondering too. Yet, there are some loose things we know that could help us keep a lookout for leaks. Here is a quick timeline of what American Girl has done. (I don't know the title for say of each era.) - Mid and Late 1700s- Kaya and Felicity - War of 1812/1810s- Caroline - Mid 1800s/1850s- Marie-Grace, Cecile, and Kirsten - Civil War Era/1860s- Addy - Victorian Era- Samantha - 1910s- Rebecca - Great Depression/1930s- Kit - World War II/1940s- Nanea and Molly - 1950s- Maryellen - 1960s-

Holly and the Ukulele Ch. 1

Look, I don't know how this will go, but I want to try it out. I will post ch. 2 next week. Also, I don't have any other chapters filled out. I wrote this like a year and a half ago. (In Feb., not Dec. (when I'm writing this.) So, I decided, after ch.2. I will make a Google Form where you guys can make the next chapter. Here's chapter 1. (Also I don't really like this story.) Holly and the Ukulele Chapter 1: The Box         I quickly opened the box. It was from Nanea, my pen-pal. Every Christmas we exchanged gifts. We had started doing it 5 years earlier; in 1937, when we were 6. Inside of the box was a letter, which read:           Dear Holly, I hope you enjoy this gift! Are you excited for January 1st? I sure am. Your Friend, Nanea Mitchell          Every January 1st we would meet each other. We normally met in her hometown of Honolulu. But that year, it was different. We had to meet in my town of (Insert some random state and city here, if I po